We cannot achieve anything in our lives until and unless we carefully plan. Whether we are planning to buy a new house, a brand new car, start a fresh business or even going to our dream college, everything demands an effective strategy. Believers are required to devise a strategy in order to succeed. That is only possible when;

You hear the Word of God and obey Him. 

It is not just enough to be the hearer of the Word. You have got to be the doer of the Word.

Obey them that they have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for which they watch for your souls, as they must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.  Hebrews 13:17

People often question reaching higher heights of success. Let me tell you why. You cannot attain the desired degree of success unless you listen and watch someone who has already achieved the same destiny you are planning to attain. One must not waste his time with someone who’s success cannot be measured. 

Whatever you do, you need to be careful when befriending new people. Some people are too invested in achieving something that won’t last long. Sometimes it is nothing more than a mere illusion. When people distract themselves with worldly pleasures, they don’t hear what God is speaking to them about and find themselves lost. 

One way to do that is by establishing principles. There are four individuals that the Bible mentions when it comes to devising principles for your spiritual enlightenment. 

The first is Abraham, the man who had unwavering faith in God.

The second is David, who loved God and never forgot his roots. 

The third is Jesus, the master teacher.

And the fourth is Apostle Paul, who created new ways that paved the way to God’s Kingdom.

Abraham’s principles were firm and unsheathed the truth we all needed to see. You cannot measure your success unless you take lessons from his life and follow prophetic acts. 

The time is here to prevent yourself from going astray. –

 Open your word and examine how Abraham spent his life, living by the principles of God. As you begin to practice Abraham’s principles, you will begin to see miracles, signs and wonders. Miracles do happen and you will experience it when you stay in motion. 

Share 7 prayer requests that you are seeking Abraham’s principles and guidance on.