“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” – Proverbs 18:21


As we step into this season of giving thanks, it’s time for an overflow of blessings to flood your territory. Your Harvest is about to be released to you. But, you must remember to protect your territory. You will reap your harvest, once your territory is protected from the enemy.

Do not let the enemy interfere with the fruits of your blessings. Keep on your Armor! Although, the enemy does its best to install curses in your territory, God will not allow your territory to be invaded.

As your Apostle, I am standing with you according to your faith for a mighty Harvest, Financial Breakthrough, and Abundant Blessings into your life.

You see, there is power in the tongue. What God speaks through me as His vessel into your life will come to pass according to your faith. You must not allow people’s ungodly words to stop you from reaping the blessings of your harvest.

In the Bible, we learn the story of Naaman. He was healed through the words of the prophet from a deadly disease. It is important to understand that Naaman had leprosy, there was no cure for this disease. But with the power of God, Naaman won the fight. Naaman was able to receive spiritual salvation because he discovered how powerful God’s words are. Naaman was able to reap a great harvest because of the word of God (2 Kings 5:1-19).

Understand that God’s words are more powerful than your enemy’s words. The enemy words will fall to the ground when you are blessed by God. You are protected from all curses when God is on your side.

Today, God wants to bless you like Naanam. Any curses affecting you or your family from receiving your harvest will be stopped according to your faith. Your territory will be protected.

Declare By faith …

I will reap my Financial harvest

I will reap my Healing harvest

I will reap my Relationship harvest

I will reap my Peace harvest

I will reap my Business harvest

I will reap my Joy harvest

I will reap my Family harvest

By your faith and your obedience to God, you will be blessed with harvest and not cursed.

By your faith you will be blessed with harvest and not cursed.

Your blessings of Harvest are waiting for you.

Representing this month of 11 or master number, begin to experience the blessings released by faith and recognize the curses fleeing from your territory. For people’s words will not hold the power in your territory because God’s word is stronger than your enemy’s word.

You are blessed and not cursed. Get ready your Harvest is arriving.