“For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.” – Romans 7:15


You face many enemies in the world, but there is an even more constant opponent that lives inside your flesh. This is the kind of enemy that even when you want to do good, evil always presents itself.

Let me ask you a few questions.

Do you struggle to dwell on good deeds?

Do you find yourself thinking about lust instead of godly thoughts?

Do you get angry after an incident when your spirit ushers you to be peaceful?

Do you give up instead of pressing through the pain?

Do you hold resentment in place of forgiveness?

Do you talk down to people instead of build them up?

If you have answered “YES” to any of these questions then you are battling the enemy of your flesh. And that battle starts in your mind. The mind is the devil’s playground.

Sometimes it is even difficult for you to understand why the opposite thing happens than what you intended to do.

In Roman 7:15-17, the Bible reads, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.”

The devil is always present and your sinful flesh never really goes away while you are on Earth. Paul faced a lot of these similar challenges and was in a constant fight for holiness, just as you and I are. Your sinful flesh and being with God, these two rivals are always diametrically opposed and present in your everyday decisions.


But, God has taught us how to knock the devil out from the inside of us! For God to take control of your evil habits, you have to concentrate and listen to God’s words and His truth. You have to resist temptation and fight the good fight. You must flee immorality.

Repeat right now…

I decree that I can DO GOOD with GOD

I decree that I can DO GOOD with GOD

I decree that I can DO GOOD with GOD

I decree that I can DO GOOD with GOD

Every time you decree God, you are affirming your goodness and defeating the enemy of your flesh! You are winning against the devil. You are knocking OUT the devil from inside of you! This happens because the Lord God and the Holy Spirit will bring your thoughts and actions into alignment with God’s will.

Let God fill your thoughts and actions and you will be able to fulfill your destiny! God will fulfill His promise if you continue to fight the enemy of your flesh. Your strength to fight the devil will come from the seeds of hope and your actions to do GOOD deeds with GOD!

Even if you are experiencing challenges and thinking of sin, God believes you and He will call on you. I believe God has a call on your life! God will stand by your fight with the devil.

He will defend you.

He will protect you.

God will deliver you from the devil fighting the flesh inside of you.

I want your thoughts to be led by the Holy Spirit. I want the Lord to guide your mind and fill your heart and flesh. He wants you to stand firm against the devil inside you! And God wants you to do good things in His name.

Pray and trust God. This is between God and you. If you believe in God’s words and declare today your faith and trust in Him, release your NEW YEAR FAITH.

When you put your whole trust, love and belief in God, you are receiving His protection and provisions. When you stand with God, you can knock OUT the devil from inside you and fulfill your destiny.