“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11 -12

People of God are living but not in the fullness because they are not living in divine connection.

I believe that God has a divine connection for you. Your dreams will never come into the manifestation God purposed for your life without your divine connection.

You’re asking, “What are divine connections, Apostle?”

Divine connections are connections that God has divinely put together to enhance and to bring our lives to a place He calls us to walk in. There are so many people who are not walking in God’s divine connections and their lives are disrupted. Their lives are in a place of chaos. When you are connected to God’s plan for your life, you are going to see great things happen for you.

I believe God sent me to you to be a blessing in your life and your future, household and destiny. I want you to get excited about that today. I believe God is going to release an anointing upon you right where you are. The Holy Spirit sees and knows what areas you need help.

God has a blessing with your name on it. Whatever you have been going through, however the enemy has attacked you, God has not forgotten about you. I want you to know God spoke to me in prayer and told me to tell the people that, “I have a blessing with their name on it.”

I believe that when we are born we have a purpose to fulfill, but we cannot fulfill that purpose without God’s intervention and blessing upon our lives.

Look at Jeremiah 29:11 -12: “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Listen to me, God is saying that my thoughts about you are not evil. God’s thoughts concerning you are of peace, to give you an expected end.

The Bible says in Matthew 10:30: “The very hair on our head are all numbered.” God numbered every hair on our head. God has a blessing with your name on it, and this blessing was personally designed for you.

I want to challenge you on this. The number 1 represents supremacy, singleness, God’s unique and universal power. The number 2 represents a symbolism to the connection of Jesus and church, as well as integrity. The number 9 represents finality or completeness.

You are declaring that God’s Word, His purpose for your life is supreme and complete. As Jesus was a divine connection for the church, Moses and Pharaoh’s daughter, and Elisha and Elijah, so will God continue to show you your divine connections.

God strategically puts us in places where He wants to bless us. God wants to divinely connect you with individuals who are going to bring His purpose out in you.